
I love making stuff, but my favorite thing about Cheap Therapy is the wonderful
humans I get to meet along the way. Here's what some of them have to say about Cheap Therapy.
I just received my order from Lisa at “cheap therapy”…her
cards ROCK !!!! The cards have wonderful illustrations & beautiful quotes. Her handwriting on the cards is so unique.
She packaged them to ship so eloquently…including a touch of lavender…3 pixie sticks, for those of you that
don’t know what a pixie stick is…it is pure flavored sugar & a nice un-caffeinated bag of tea…. I
think you eat the pixie sticks first…then to come off the sugar “high”, you drink a nice cup of tea. Thanks
again Lisa! Teresa at Weathered Goods,Green Bay, WI Dear Lisa, I cannot tell
you how much Jennifer and I love your (ABC's for Life) books. They are awesome and our customers seem to like them too
(hey, they're buying them!)
We're so glad that Shirley brought you into our lives. God Bless you, Pam & Jennifer fleure.ish, Phoenix, AZ
Cool huh? Your posters are doing
really well for us. We make everyone who looks at your posters read your card and they love your art even more! So, thank
you! Berle and Donna from Off the Beaten Path,
Cloudcroft, NM Hi Lisa!
Wanted to let
you know I received my order and just finished opening it up one by one. Ah, it made my day. It's been snowing and snowing
here and very quiet so it was a perfect day to open up your package with all it's surprises. Thank you for all you do
to make things special. It's truly appreciated and I love the ABC for Life books and bookmarks! A few of the cards
I think I will frame as they deserve to be out at all times. Ha! Thanks
again, Peggy O'Neil Mishawaka Art & Frame Gallery Hi Lisa-
Gloria here with Groove and Zen. Your package arrived today, and I had to write you a quick note to tell you how wonderful it was to open that box. I am right smack dab in the middle of all the planning, moving in, painting, carpet, etc. I was feeling a little road weary, and needed an unexpected surprise ending to this day. Your box and the wonderful smells and magical things that came out of it made me very happy. I
will definently order from you again. I am dedicating an area of my store
to your products, and am going to call this area Cheap therapy with your
stuff highlighted and ever flowing into my customers hands. Gloria Savannah- Carmelo, Groove n' Zen, Clermont, FL http://www.groovenzen.com
Lisa, Your things are really selling great in the store. Thanks for providing such inspirational stuff. Lisa, We just received your shipment. Everything is wonderful... Rarely
do we receive a box with so many surprises. Thank
you! Betty at Bits of Art, Lakeland, FL
Dear Lisa,
Thanks for sharing your wonderful sense of humor and your bravery in the face of one of life's
difficult situations. Much
love and support to you as you continue on life's journey. I love how you celebrate life! Cathy
Washburn Full Moon Books and Coffees Lakewood, CO
Good Morning Lisa,
I have received my shipment, as usual, they are breathtaking!
I have a wedding next weekend and will take one of them. Such a lovely, personal gift I am proud to give. Thanks too, so much for the "light a candle link" (on the Recess
Page). I lit a candle for my father and it is on my desktop. CheapTherapy helped my soul this morning ~again. Regards, Lori Bosma, LorLan Flower & Gift Gallery
Lisa, it's time for more Cheap Therapy! Thanks for creating such great selling cards!
I was thrilled to receive my shipment of Cheap Therapy cards and
baby book. They are as great as your web page portrays them. They are fantastic and I'm sure I'll be ordering
more from you.
When I opened the package,
the rosemary sprigs made my day rosier. And, then....when I anxiously pushed aside the peanuts to get my cards, the
kisses were an absolute delight. Thank you for for brightening this rainy day. This &
That by Margaret, Brick, NJ Just wanted to drop a note and let you know that we got your things!! The
journals are awesome - - love the personalization and the funky look and how they all are a bit different!! Your
cards and pins are also a big hit and so very clever. I’m already using many of them myself for gifts
and such!! The joys of owning your own shoppe! Thanks for the cool products –
we look forward to offering them to our customers!! Thanks!!
Beth Pridday Bliss- A Bath & Body Shoppe Detroit Lakes, MN
Lisa- I just had to take a moment to let you know the great reaction the journals have been getting here at my gallery.
I am a new gallery (10 months old) so I have to be very careful and selective about what I order and how often I order it,
for no other reason than that money is tight, as it always is in a new business. Bringing those journals in here was one of
my better moves. Not only do they sell, but even when they don't, people comment on them. I have them in a spot on my
counter that faces my front window and people must pass them to enter or leave. It is amazing the attention that they attract.
Enough of my babbling, but thank you! I am giving you a heads up that I will be another order shortly. I am going through the catalog you sent me now making some decisions. Think I need another
card rack (lol) Julie Basello http:///www.creativegeniusonline.com
Lisa, I'm overwhelmed!!
Everything is so beautiful and heartfelt and you are so generous! I'm sure they will sell like hotcakes and I'll be
reordering soon. Karen Zimmerman
"hi lisa. i just opened the gallery in santa barbara and had ordered cards from you.
i wish you could see peoples reactions to them. they laugh and tell their shopping buddies "Oh You must see this card...and
this one"...and on and on. It's a hoot! one woman read all of them to her husband. he looked at her adoringly thru
it all.
well, i have sold almost half in
2 weeks!!! i would like to place another order. " -Lynn
Adams, You'll never know all the ways in which these (touchstonz) touch
I have yet to offer
a prayer stone to anyone who did not want one. The reaction is always some expression of surprise, pleasure, and
gratitude. It is almost as though I had provided something they were waiting or hoping for. ... Without being told, all the recipients seem
to sense the prayer and devotion that you put into the creation of these "stones." Thank you, my friend, and
God's continued blessings on you!
Trish Floyd "Dear, Dear Lisa -- I received Joanne's journal today along with the other
goodies and was absolutely delighted! Why, it was as if I was receiving the present! And I actually was, because now I've
found another wonderful source for imaginative, creative and unique items. You are an absolute gem -- and it shows in
your work. Thank you! Thank you! I know Joanne will love her journal... Oh, and the Let It Be stone is even
more that I expected. What a great little present to slip to friends we don't give presents to! I hope your holidays
bring as much joy to you as you give to others!" Debby Tait
"The extra touches you put into
every package are very special--thanks so much for investing a little bit of yourself in each order. We look forward to a
long and rewarding business relationship! Come see us anytime!"Regards, Edna and David Smith, Write Turns, Etc., Chandler,
AZ http://www.writeturns.com "Can you make up another DOUBLE order for me? Your cards are selling really well!
THANKS SO MUCH!" -Catherine Lee Schmid, Blue River Pottery, Frisco, CO Lisa, Just received your wonderful little
package (my order) today. I love all of your encouraging, uplifting, loving cards and business card holders!!!
I loved all of my little surprises that you sent along with the order also. What a gal you are. I've told everyone, who would listen to me, about you... I can't wait
to order more. Please take care and thanks for making me and all of my customers smile today! Paula J. Weaver,
The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, NY Hi Lisa!!!! You won't believe this but we've just received our order about 1 hour ago and have
already sold 9 cards.....we didn't even have them priced yet.....you can be sure that when we catch our breath, you will
get another order from us. Penny Marler, Hulston Cancer Center
Lisa, everything is wonderful. The journals, ABC's....I
ohhed and ahhed the whole time I unwrapped things and then the weirdest thing, I kept finding little treats for myself.....I
wonder how that happened... You are too cool! I just hope my customers will see the uniqueness of your products, the talent
but most especially the feelings in your work. I did, I can read it, you have the biggest heart, it's all over in your
style. Rose.... BeLLa's Fitness for Body & Mind Whenever I want to purchase a gift for a friend ,Cheap Therapy journals are always my
first choice!!! You really knows how to make the recipients of your books smile!! Lisa, keep up the spiritual love that you
put into your products. Robin Kramer "I got your package today- what a little
treasure trove of delights. It felt like Christmas and my birthday and the fourth of July all in one! What fun to delve beneath
the brightly-colored tissue paper layered with sweet-smelling herbs to find such wonderful little hand-made tokens and talismans.
The pixie sticks were certainly a fun treat as well. I am so glad I found you!" Linda Plaisted, Many Muses
Gallery, Arlington, VA. "One of my favorite things to tell people about you, Lisa, is that yours is a "lemonade
story". I tell them about how your lemon, MS, gave us the lemonade to enjoy in the form of all your beautiful artwork.
So you are and inspiration both with your art and your attitude. We always look forward to your packages arriving, we
know there will be a surprise enclosed ( a tootsie roll pop, a sprig of rosemary ...) that always beats styrofoam peanuts.
Your cards are like a potato chip ... you can't buy just one. Thanks for being
part of our retail family." Patti and Bill Pollitt, The Pollitt Selection, Fayetteville, NC http://www.pollittselection.com "Your
magnets are a hit! I love them and so do my customers. Here's another order..." -Maryanna Richbourg, Etta Belle Zorries,
York, SC http://www.ettabelles.com
"Thanks so much for the beautiful package with all the goodies!
We sold the baby book within an hour or two of putting it out and we've already sold numerous magnets--everyone loves
them! You are magic! Thanks for the fresh herb spring and the toostie roll pops, too!" LeAnne at Simply Selma's in
Virginia Beach, VA.
"Working with you always makes me smile! In my gallery I always know when someone is
looking at your cards because of the laughter and giggling. This is a good thing. I want my customers to know we have a sense
of humor!" - Barbara Berl,The South Wind Gallery,Pawleys Island, SC
"I just opened your package
and am thrilled! I've already sold both of the ABCs for Life books, please send ten more! And ten more of your great new
checkbook covers too!" - Anna Knapp, Colours Gallery, St Germain, WI
"I think your cards are terrific
and you know how well they sell for us. In today's world where everything is so commercialized it is great to be able
to send a card that is from the heart. Your sayings are great and the artwork adds such a special touch to the card. The price
point is super and my customers just love them." - Nancy Martin-Mathewson, The Yager Museum, Hartwick College,
Oneota, NY
"It's a joy writing thank you notes to my customers on your personalized cards!" - Holly Shelly I love the cards and magnets!! And so do my customers! Thanks for the
candy and herbs too! I would love to have that view, I love the little bit of your home you sent in your card. Thanks
for making my day! Barb Ireland , Unique Gifts for You "You are the greatest! I love my order and I'm
thrilled! Can't wait to use the cards because I just know the reaction I'll get from my clients! Your packaging was
BEAUTIFUL & smelled GOOD too! It's just too cool!!! Words cannot describe how wonderful I think you are!" Sue Thomas Managing Asset Potential, Mantua, OH
I LOVE to get Email!